
Go Melissa!

I know I've been absent from this place lately, but I am working hard to stay caught up on all-three kids, one marriage (harder than everything else at the moment ;) and home duties plus work and blogging-uggh! So, really-TV has been my escape, and I have a few things to say.

Being from Seattle, I just want to point out that the Bachelor, Jason, does NOT live in Seattle. He is from KIRKLAND, which is a suburb of Seattle that is populated mostly by single, divorced or just plain horny people. I know- I lived there. In my opinion, this completely explains his eratic behavior. Just stop saying he is from Seattle, PLEASE!

On top of that, I have to say that I am SO HAPPY for Melissa-the winner, no LOSER (NO- Winner!) of the Bachelor this year. Even though she went through the heart break of having Jason (ass) break up with her on TV, AFTER he chose her and proposed-she is now dancing her way to 30 (x6) minutes of fame. I can only hope that, when Jason's 24 year old realizes what she's gotten herself into, Melissa refuses to answer Jason's calls.

Sorry, Jason. I loved you when.....